
Disposal by lease of two sites at Dunster Close,


Date of Meeting:

18 Sept 2019

Report of:

Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing   

Contact Officer:


Shaun Hughes


01273 29 05 69



Wards Affected:




            For general release


Action Required of the Policy & Resources Committee:


That the Housing Committee recommend to Policy & Resources Committee to:


     I.        That Housing Committee recommend to Policy & Resources Committee the

disposal by lease of two areas of land identified at Dunster Close (Site A and Site B), to Bunker Housing Co-operative for a 125-year period with the freehold

retained by the council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA). The granting of the

lease for the site is on the basis that best consideration can take the form of an

annual ground rent instead of an initial capital payment, and is subject to Bunker obtaining planning consent, securing funding and entering into a nominations agreement with the council.





















Brighton & Hove City Council


Housing committee




Council chamber, hove town hall



Present: Councillor Williams (Chair) Allcock (Substitute), Gibson (Opposition Spokesperson), Mears (Group Spokesperson), Atkinson, Barnett, Fowler, Heley, Hugh-Jones and Osborne






14   Disposal by lease of two sites at Dunster Close, Hollingdean


1)    The Committee considered a report presented by Emma Kumar informing the Committee of the progress of the disposal by lease of two sites at Dunster Close, Hollingdean.


2)    Councillor Theresa Fowler having declared an interest in the item stepped out of the meeting for the duration of the discussions on the item.


3)    Councillor Martin Osborne observed that going forward more sites need to be found in the city.


4)    Councillor David Gibson welcomed the joint programme between BHCC and the Brighton and Hove Community Land Trust (BHCLT) who are the council’s lead partner for community led housing.


5)    Councillor John Allcock welcomed the ‘community wealth building’ resulting from the partnership of BHCC and BHCLT.


Resolved: That the Housing Committee agreed the following recommendations:


                       I.       That Housing Committee recommend to Policy & Resources Committee the disposal by lease of two areas of land identified at Dunster Close (Site A and Site B), to Bunker Housing Co-operative for a 125-year period with the freehold retained by the council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA). The granting of the lease for the site is on the basis that best consideration can take the form of an annual ground rent instead of an initial capital payment, and is subject to Bunker obtaining planning consent, securing funding and entering into a nomination’s agreement with the council.


                     II.       That the decision at 2.1 be implemented by Housing who will report details and progress to the Housing Supply Members Board.